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Town of Malabar Fallfest/Trunk or Treat

The Town of Malabar is hosting a Fallfest/Trunk or Treat event October 19th from 4:00 pm-7:00 pm at Malabar Community Park! Join us with your family and little ones for a costume contest, pumpkin painting, hayrides, and of course CANDY!!!

Registration is open for those wanting to distribute individually wrapped candy for Trunk or Treat. Participants are encouraged to decorate their vehicles and there will be a contest for best decorated vehicles!

Town of Malabar Fallfest Trunk or Treat Flyer
Bars & Breweries

7 Space Coast Breweries Worth Planning a Trip For

There’s something brewing on Florida’s Space Coast. Crafting some of the best, most unique beers in Florida, our local breweries offer suds sure to delight your taste buds. So top off your trip to the beach with a visit to one or a few of the following breweries, and we promise…

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beer in front of exploration tower

Vacation Planner

Dive into the Space Coast Vacation Planner then launch into an unforgettable getaway.

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